What are my surgical options for weight loss?

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Many people struggle with weight loss using the traditional diet and exercise method. We often find ourselves resorting to fad diets and quick weight loss trends. These often lead to very short term results that usually go away the moment we go back to "normal life". Some weight loss fads can even be dangerous. While we should all try to eat healthy and move our bodies as often as we can, many could use an extra tool to make large weight loss more attainable.

I was in that same position a couple years ago and I was inspired by some of our patients to seek out bariatric surgery. I had my RNY gastric bypass in 2020 and I proudly said goodbye to 150lbs forever. One thing I can say is bariatric surgery is far more than just a tool for weight loss. For example, I have also reversed my pre-diabetic status, I went from having severe obstructive sleep apnea to no sleep apnea, and my chronic bronchitis/coughing from uncontrolled asthma is gone.

Is bariatric surgery the "easy way out" for weight loss? I would say absolutely not. Bariatric surgery is simply a tool to help you change your life and weight loss is just one part of that. There is a lot of education and prep work that goes into this journey. However, your long term success is ultimately up to you and how well you use your tool. Nevertheless, bariatric surgery saves lives every day and plastic surgery is the wonderful ending to this journey to help you contour your healthier body to show off that new figure.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.