Will weight reduction really change the look of my face and neck?
Many patients come into our office to discuss surgical and non surgical options to improve their face and neck area. Dr. Woodyard does offer several options for fat reduction of the neck as well as options to contour the face. However, in some instances weight reduction is a great option to try before surgical intervention and injectable products such as Kybella. Weight reduction, if needed, can greatly change the size and shape of the face and neck.
Some questions usually come up with weight loss recommendations.
Will weight loss really make that big of a difference in the appearance of my face and neck?
In short, yes. Most people see the first effects of weight loss in their face and neck. Patients who lose a considerable amount of weight can end up looking very different in the face and neck. Things slim out and the face and jawline shapes change a lot. Once the effects of weight loss are achieved, sometimes less invasive options can be discussed to touch up any remaining areas of concern such as good skincare to further improve a youthful look or fillers and neurotoxins to further contour as desired.
Will weight reduction just cause loose skin?
This is another common concern. Fat reduction can always run the risk of loose skin but elasticity in the face and neck skin can be very forgiving. Often with good skin care, good nutrition and hydration , skin in the face and neck can retract quite well. These results, however, are different among patients and options to correct skin looseness can always be discussed after the weight reduction. These procedures to remove loose skin are usually much safer AND cheaper after weight loss because there is less time required in the operating room and patients are physically healthier.