Three Reasons You May Need Breast Revision Surgery
Breast augmentation surgery is a highly personalized procedure, and a woman’s experience with her newly enhanced breasts or implants over time will also vary. In certain cases, breast revision surgery — which may involve replacing or removing the implants — becomes a consideration or even a necessity. At Dr. Woodyard Plastic Surgery, Baltimore, MD board-certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Janet Woodyard is dedicated to helping patients restore their health, comfort, appearance, and quality of life with advanced breast revision surgery. While there are multiple reasons why a woman may want (or need) breast revision surgery at some point after their original breast enhancement procedure, we have outlined three of the most common causes for breast revision surgery below.
What does it mean to get a breast revision?
Breast revision surgery is arguably one of the most individualized types of breast enhancement surgery performed today, as each case must be customized to align with the patient’s anatomy, aesthetic concerns, complications of previous procedures (if applicable), and other factors. In some cases, a breast revision may involve the replacement of one or both implants with a different type or size of breast implant, while other patients may have their breast implants removed during breast revision surgery — which may be followed with a fat transfer to the breast, a breast lift, or another technique to help restore a more natural-looking contour. During your initial consultation for a Baltimore, MD breast revision, Dr. Woodyard will take ample time to discuss your concerns and goals at length, perform a physical assessment of your breasts, answer any questions you may have, and explain your options in more detail.
When is a breast revision needed?
There are a variety of reasons why a woman may want or potentially need a breast revision, some of which may be complex and multifaceted. Again, Dr. Woodyard and our caring team will help guide you through each step of the breast revision process to help you decide whether breast revision surgery is right for you and, if so, what your surgery may entail. Three of the most common reasons for breast revision surgery are:
1. To address a complication of previous breast enhancement surgery
While most cosmetic breast surgeries are successful, with complications being rare, there are some cases when postoperative complications occur. With a breast revision, Dr. Woodyard can help to improve or potentially correct previous breast implant complications, including:
- Breast implant rippling
- Capsular contracture
- Bottoming out
- Breast implant displacement
2. To replace implants for aesthetic reasons
In many cases, patients experience changes in their body, their implants, or their aesthetic preferences over time that lead to the desire for a change in the type, size, or other aspect of their breast implants. For example, women who get smaller breast implants when they are young and subsequently gain weight with pregnancy or aging may decide they’d like a larger-sized breast implant in the future. Another common scenario is women wanting to switch their saline implants for silicone breast implants — or vice-versa.
3. To have breast implants removed
Some cases of breast revision surgery are performed to remove breast implants altogether, whether because of a change in aesthetic preference, physical comfort, or something else. In these cases, Dr. Woodyard may recommend a breast lift, a fat transfer to the breast, or another treatment or procedure to address loose skin and other cosmetic side effects of breast implant removal and create a natural, aesthetically pleasing new look.
Tailor your look to your liking with personalized breast revision surgery in Baltimore, MD
Whether you didn’t get the look you were hoping for with your initial breast augmentation, you’ve experienced a complication at some point after surgery, or your preferences have simply changed over time, you may benefit from breast revision surgery near Baltimore, MD. To learn more about the personalized approach female board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Janet Woodyard takes with each breast revision surgery, call Dr. Woodyard Plastic Surgery to schedule your one-on-one consultation today.